The Science Behind White Mulberry Leaf (Reducose®)

Reducose® (White Mulberry Leaf Extract)

What it is: A patent-protected extract from White Mulberry leaves, which are widely recognised for their health benefits. Reducose has been validated in multiple clinical trials for being both safe and effective.

What it does:Blocks the absorption of sugar and carbs while you eat, so you don't experience sugar crashes, feel full for longer and thus, help you manage your weight.

What is Reducose®?

Reducose® is a patented White Mulberry leaf extract rich in alkaloids and flavonoids. While they have recently gained popularity as ‘’superfoods’’ in the west, Mulberry leaves have been used in traditional medicine for ages in Asian countries for their blood sugar balancing benefits. In recent scientific studies, Reducose® has been shown to have multiple health benefits, including lowering blood sugar levels and possibly preventing cardiovascular diseases, obesity, and diabetes.

Where can it be found in nature?

The Mulberry (Morus) tree is native to China. It belongs to the Moraceae plant family and includes several species. Reducose® is extracted from White Mulberry leaves that are usually cultivated in Thailand, according to EU organic guidelines to achieve peak quality and sustainability.

What are its primary functions and benefits?

Clinical trials have shown significant decreases in post-meal blood glucose levels upon administration of Reducose®. It acts immediately at the very early stages of digestion by inhibiting the breakdown and absorption of carbs in your intestine, before they even reach your bloodstream. Your post-meal blood-sugar levels are thus successfully balanced without resulting in any spikes. As such, Reducose® also acts as a powerful weight management tool by allowing you to feel full for longer, and further propelling your body to increase its fats and lipids utilisation to provide energy.

Furthermore, a low insulin level enhances your brain's ability to exhibit improved memory, attention, and cognitive performance. Now, the cherry on top? There have been no reported side-effects with Reducose® as it remains unaltered, and is easily excreted from the body. The undigested carbs end up as prebiotics in the gut microbiome.

When it comes to delaying the onset of age-related diseases, Reducose® has additional metabolic health benefits. It mimics calorie restriction (while still allowing you to indulge in healthy diets), which has repeatedly been shown to increase lifespan by activating the sirtuin pathway, reducing oxidative stress and inflammation, as well as minimising the risks of cardiovascular and kidney diseases.

Why do we use Reducose® in our supplements?

We chose Reducose® as one of the key players in our Stabiliser, primarily for its ability to effectively reduce post-meal glucose spikes - a benchmark well-known for a healthy heart, healthy weight, and healthy ageing. This effect can also be attained through challenging methods like calorie restriction or intermittent fasting, Reducose® just makes it easier.

Additionally, Reducose® supports cellular and DNA repair by inducing its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. It also frees up NAD+, a crucial molecule needed to activate the infamous ‘’longevity-genes’’ called sirtuins. Researchers have firmly established sirtuins' critical role as a longevity regulator, as they maintain healthy circadian rhythms and metabolisms.

Another factor triggering our choice for Reducose® is that its immediate blood-glucose effect can be easily monitored in real-time via technological innovations like Continuous Glucose Monitor (CGM) which enables you to understand your metabolism.


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